10 Points Check List

10 PointsCheck LIst should be more than 5 years old.

2.Company should own unmovable Property.It should not oprate from rented office.

3.Company should follow Govt.Guide Lines 2016.

4.Product’s Quality should be Extaordinary& Rates should be compitable with market.

5.Prodcts should be real.Products should be Useable,Consumable,Reapetable &Affordable.

6.One should’t be forced to purchase bulk of products at the time of joining.

7.Plan should’t be Investment Plan.One should’t be asked to invest thousands of rs.

8.Income plan should be simple&nothing should be hidden.

9.Income should generate from resale of products not from joining new people.

10.There should be monthly income directly transfred to bank after deducting TDS.

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